Thegrideon Software. One less reason to worry.

Post-search notifications

Web Page post-search action

It is not uncommon to use dedicated or remote computer(s) in a password search. Post-search notification in our tools is designed to help in such cases. Audio file (*.wav, *mp3, ...)
You can select any audio file (e.g. wav or mp3) to be played as notification. There are several common alarm and audio files available from "C:\Windows\Media" folder. But our choice for example is "It's Alive!" part from "Frankenstein" movie.
Script file (*.bat, ...)
Script files can be used to send notification from remote computer. There is number of PowerShell tutorials and examples on how to send email from a script.
Web page
Another option is to open a Web page. For example, a simple PHP script can be used to send a post-search notification from any remote (rented or shared) computer used in search.

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